Give Elementfabrik A/S is a leading supplier of concrete and lightweight concrete elements for agriculture and industrial construction. Founded in 1964 by Jens Hessellund Eskildsen and today managed by his sons Jens Henrik and Finn, the company has a total production capacity of more than 18,000 m² per week at its three production sites in Give (where the company’s headquarters is also located), Nørre Snede and Gedsted.
In close dialogue with customers, new products are constantly being developed and launched on the market. In the past, these were mainly products for agriculture, but Give Elementfabrik has increasingly developed into one of the leading suppliers of high-quality façade elements...
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- Annexes
- Production de plafonds et de doubles cloisons
- Fabrication de cloisons Sandwich et pleines
- Installations multifonctionnelles
- Circuit de production combiné avec plateforme de triage centralisée
- Installation ultra-polyvalente avec plateforme de triage centralisée
- Fabrication de plateaux basculants
- Installation de production avec chariots basculants et compacteurs
- Lignes de production composées de machines mobiles
- Installations de production pour éléments structurels en béton
- Éléments
- Thèmes et événements